Monday, June 21, 2010


The USGBC (United States Green Building Council) has developed a new certification and accreditation system where Buildings can be rated on their sustainability and professionals who work in the creation or maintenance of buildings can get a accredited with the ability to recognize and take advantage of methods to make buildings more "green."

I have just started working on getting the LEED Green Associate accreditation and I have already learned a lot. I am taking the online certification which is basically a 4 hour long video training session with built in quizzes. I think this format is great for working professionals who don't have time to take an actual class but who still want to refine their knowledge and gain accreditation. The videos are easy to watch and very informative so far i have learned ways to improve sustainability in both my work and my home.

Although I have posted many of the tips that I have learned through LEED there are other ways I learned that I had never thought of. Did you know that by measuring your water, and energy use you can actually help yourself save.  In addition, the loaction of your building can make a huge difference. A building in a densely populated area that stays away from wildlife and makes use of damaged or existing building grounds help reduce the impact on the environment. I also had no idea all the ways rainwater could be used: from toilets to HVAC units.

I feel like the knowledge I gain from LEED will help give me creative new ways to make Green Future even more "green" and help educate our customers on the latest ways incorporate sustainability into their projects while helping them save money.

I would highly encourage others to pursue accreditation through LEED and feel free to ask me any questions you may have!

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