Saturday, February 1, 2014

What New Home Buyers miss that could cost big.

I have been watching a lot of HGTV lately. If you are not familiar with the network it is sort of like the home improvement channel. A lot of the shows focus on home buyers finding the perfect homes or home owners renovating their property. Watching the shows I started picking up on things first time home buyers look for (things I could totally relate to when we were looking to buy our first home) and things they miss (things that I wish I had thought about when we were looking to buy our first home.)

Most first time home buyers go in looking at aesthetics. Are there granite counter tops? Stainless Steel appliances? Walk-in closets? However, the more important details that can have a big impact on living in the house, are often over looked. Here is my list of big items that you should consider when purchasing a home.

1. HVAC- I once rented in a small house where the heating bill for one month was $1000. I have also lived in a small house that used diesel heating, which cost about $600/month for heating. That's a lot of money to burn during winter months that many home buyers overlook. Check out a home's HVAC system before you buy. Is it new? Is it central air, diesel or gas?  It can make a big difference in the comfort of your home and the price you pay through the lifetime of the house.

2. Roofing- Roofs are another big ticket item. Replacing a roof usually takes at least $5000 and that is for a small home. Check to see if the roof is in good condition, or have the inspector check. Its never fun to shell out a few thousand big ones for home improvement a few years after you purchase the house.

3. Landscaping- Curb appeal is a big factor in real estate and while many want a nice big back yard, few first timers think about the work it will take to maintain the yard. Regular, mowing, trimming, and weeding is the bare minimum for a landscaped backyard. In general hardscaping, gravel and artificial turf are easier to take care of. Make sure you budget to hire a landscaper or budget time to do it yourself. Also check for drainage issues which can be very costly over time, especially if it results in flooding.

4. Environmental factor- Ever looked at a home with solar panels? How about a home with a charging station for electric cars. As our world changes, I think choosing a more environmentally friendly home will make a big difference. A lot of "green" home factors also tend to save you money which can be a huge plus. Even something as small as environmentally friendly windows and insulation can make a big difference in the overall cost of your home.

5. LOCATION, location, location- Any realtor will tell you that you can change just about anything about your house except for the location. That is why location is such a big deal. Do you want a home close to work, close to the city, in a good school district? Are homes in the area selling for more or less money than the house you are buying? Make sure you know what area you are getting into before you buy.

These are some key points to look into when considering buying a home. Can you think of anything I missed? Anything that you thought of AFTER you bought your home that ended up costing big?


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