Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Green New Year

Happy New Year!

Have you made any resolutions for 2013? While most people's resolutions involve losing weight or getting organized, being good to the environment is a noble goal that is often over looked.

That's why, this year I have decided to go a little bit greener with green future.

First, I've added a line at the bottom of our signature in e-mails to help remind readers to consider the environment before printing the e-mail out. Did you know that more than 50% of papers printed out are never used? You can get your own paper-saving signature here: http://thinkbeforeprinting.org/.

Next, I've been working really hard to get a co-mingled recycling plan going at our office. Studies show that people are more likely to participate in a recycling program if its all inclusive, because it is less complicated. Unfortunately, the waste removal company I have been working with has been really slow about getting us quotes and information on the recycling plan. Although it has been a frustrating process, I intend to persevere. If your office does not have a recycling program, encourage them to do the same, even if it means someone takes the recyclables home with them.

Third, I've been trying to find ways to reduce waste and increase efficiency. This means buying and wasting less materials, which will hopefully help us save money, which we can then pass on as more savings for our clients. It also means using responsibly sourced materials, such as FSC certified wood.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I want to focus on being a ONE STOP SHOP. This is our new tag line and it is surprisingly a great way to be more environmentally friendly. Think about it, by offering all services in house, we save lots of driving time, which helps prevent harmful carbon emissions. By using our company you eliminate the need for several contractors to come to the site thus preventing the excessive use of gas for transportation.

So my questions to you are what are your New Years Resolutions and will you incorporate any new behaviors to "Stay green?"

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